
The purpose of this website is to help you examine the past of East West Church’s Leadership. These are sparknotes to make you question and lead you to other, more detailed articles.

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Related News Articles

What did these people do at their previous churches?

From AP News


“A member of a sister church in nearby Cobb County says she was seduced by her pastor, the Rev. Alan Mushegan, another Paulk nephew. The women charge that the ministers pressed them into having sex, saying they would be serving God.”

Click Here for the full article

From The Washington Post


” Cathedral of the Holy Spirit — is itself deeply troubled. Paulk and three other pastors, his younger brother Donald and two nephews, have been accused of sexual misconduct by former members.”

” ‘He continually said the Kingdom of God is built on trust,’ and that certain ‘special relationships’ outside marriage were ‘honorable to God’ “

Click Here for the full article

People may lie, but DNA tests Don’t

From CBS  News

“the archbishop said under oath that the only woman he had ever had sex with outside of his marriage was Brewer.”

Click Here for the Full article

From Fox Five News

“The Cobb county district attorney believes Paulk may have lied under oath and so he set out to prove it. The results: a court ordered DNA test that shows Paulk is the father of his brother’s son.”

Click Here for the Full article

You may be asking yourself, why haven’t I heard more about this?

From Reformation.com

” The church filed, then dropped a slander/libel suit against several former members & staffers, resulting in a gag order by a DeKalb judge forbidding them to discuss their allegations of sexual misconduct.”

Click Here for the Full article

Is your money the key to your salvation?

From The Washington Post


“Johnny Enlow, 33, a former deacon, said that during the building of the cathedral, the pastor demanded his flock ‘double-tithe’ — contribute 20 percent of their income — or risk damnation..”

” ‘It got to the place where people felt they were outside the will of God if they didn’t double-tithe,’ Enlow said. In 1991, his last full year there, he gave $15,000. ‘That was over one-third of my total income,’ he said. ‘And I wasn’t even close to being a top giver.’ “

Click Here for the Full article

Powerful Testimonies

From A CNN Interview


“REBECCA MOSES:Time and again I tried to break away from the influence he held over me, but his control over me was too strong and the power he held over me reached back into my childhood.”( referring to Bishop Paulk) 

” TAMMY FAULKNER: No one should use their positions to get sex, lest of all a minister.”(referring to pastor Mushegon)

(The original Interview is not on CCN’s website) Click Here to see the full interview

To view another website devoted to preserving these people’s pasts, checkout http://satanunmasked.blogspot.com